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The 42nd International Congress of World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna.

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WAHVM Delegates, Vienna 2016.

The 42nd Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (WAHVM) was held at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna 27th to 30th June 2016. Convened as a joint conference with the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA), the Congress had two themes: The History of Animal Anatomy and the History of Early Veterinary Schools.


The conference was opened by the President of WAHVM, Professor Abigail Woods, with key notes delivered by Christophe Degueurce, Musée Fragonard, Ecole nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort, Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne Comparée, Université Paris Est, Maisons-Alfort, France (From Jean Héroard to Robert Barone, an overview on the history of veterinary anatomy in France), Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Dept. of Armenian Studies, Centre for the Studies of the Christian East, Paris-Lodron University, Salzburg, Austria (Meeting in the Body of the Horse: Knowledge transmission between Christian West and Muslim East) and Gerhard Forstenpointner, Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria (On the orders of the empress! Considerations on the reasons for building a Vet school in Vienna).  


The welcome reception was held at the “Rathauskeller”, Town Hall Vienna and the conference dinner was held at the orangery of the Schönbrunn Palace.


At the conference, first prize in the Young Scholar Award was presented to Karl Bruno, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, for his essay: ‘Practical Training for Modern Practitioners: Nils Lagerlöf, India, and Early Swedish Development Aid
at the Veterinary College’. Second prize was awarded to Kit Heintzman, Harvard University. ‘A cabinet of the ordinary: Domesticating veterinary medicine.’


The full congress website can be found here


The Congress Abstract Book can be found here.

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WAHVM 2018

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