Argos Bulletin of the Dutch Veterinary History Society
Netherlands, Published annually, 1994 –
The Veterinair Historisch Genootschap (Netherlands Veterinary History
Society) publishes a half-yearly journal ‘Argos’. In many cases the articles in each
issue are written by authors who gave lectures during the spring and autumn
meetings of the society. These meetings are usually attended by 70 to 100 members.
Lectures during these meetings usually have a theme. All scientific articles are double
peer reviewed and include an abstract in English.
Contact: Netherlands Society for Veterinary History
Mrs. Hennie Hadderingh, IJsselsteen 1, 3961 GA Wijk bij Duurstede, The Netherlands
Tel.: 0031(0)343 575663
For more information see
Previous editions can be accessed here.
Australian Veterinary History Record
Published three times a year. The complete archive of the AVHR is available through the University of Sydney library
Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine et des Sciences Vétérinaires
The Bulletin is published annually in French. Contents of the journal from 2003, together with the majority of full articles, can be accessed here.
​Danish Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine – Yearbook
Deutsches Tierärzteblatt
Socially, politically and professionally important contributions in the history of veterinary medicine in Germany are published in "Deutsches Tierärzteblatt", which reaches 40,000 veterinarians and institutions.
Historia Medicinae Veterinariae
The international journal Historia Medicinae Veterinariae: Journal of Veterinary Biography was founded in 1976.
Correspondence to the journal can be directed to:
Sondergade 39
DK-4130 Viby
Sjælland, Denmark
Japanese Journal of Veterinary History
The address for the Japanese Journal of Veterinary History is: Azabu University, School of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 1-17-71 Fuchinobe, Sagamihra 229-8501, Japan.
Journal of South African Studies
The Journal of South African Studies has some veterinary history and is available as Open Access from 1974 - 2011 on the JSTOR platform
Journal of the History of Biology
The Journal of the History of Biology is available as Open Access from 1968 - 2015 (with a 3 year moving wall) on the JSTOR platform
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (JSAVA).
The JSAVA often carries history articles and is published Open Access by AOSIS from around 2012 ( ) and the older articles are available on the OA African journals Archive ( )
The Norwegian Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine Yearbook.
Published biannually prior to 2019. Henceforth it will be published annually and consist of around 100 pages. The majority of the articles are written in Norwegian. For further information see:
The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research
The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research includes history articles and is published Open Access by AOSIS from around 2003 ( ) and the older issues (1903 - 2003) are available through:
Reports of the German Veterinary Medical Society
Since 1994, the latest research reports (full papers) have been published in the conference volumes of the History Section of the German Veterinary Medical Society:
Veterinair Historisch Genootschap (V.H.G) Cahiers
The Cahiers presents veterinary historical studies and contains contributions that are too extensice to be included in the V.H.G. bulletin Argos.
Further information can be found here.
Veterinary Heritage
Veterinary Heritage is the official organ of the American Veterinary Medical History Society, Inc. since 1982. It is published semi-annually in May and November.
For more information refer to the website - or contact:
Editor, Veterinary Heritage
American Veterinary Medical History Society
23 Wedgewood Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850-1064
Veterinary History Society
The Journal of the Veterinary History Society, UK
UK, published twice yearly, 1973 –
Latest issue: Available on subscription.
Please write to the Editor, John Clewlow
Further information is available here.