World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine
Early Career Scholar Award
The World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine holds a biennial competition for early career scholars. This is for the best original essay or research paper on any aspect of the history of animal health and healing, broadly construed.
First Prize: 500 Euro plus budgeted expenses to present the paper at the WAHVM Biennial Congress
Second Prize: 200 Euro
Third Prize: 100 Euro
Terms and Conditions
1. The competition is open to current students of all educational backgrounds, and to those within 5 years of the award of their PhD or equivalent professional degree (eg DVM, VetMB etc)
2. Submitted papers will be accepted either as manuscripts or if published within 2 years of the date of the next congress.
3. Papers must not exceed 10,000 words and will be accepted in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch (pdf preferred).
4. All submitted papers will be reviewed by a jury. Personal circumstances permitting, the first prize winner is expected to attend the upcoming congress to present their paper and receive their prize.

2018 ECS Award Winner Dr Annelise Binois, with WAHVM President Prof. Abigail Woods
How to Apply
The next competition is now open. The deadline for entries is 30 april 2024.
Prize winners will be informed before 31 May 2024 and encouraged to attend the 2024 congress in Léon.
Entries should be emailed to aaskipper@rvc.ac.uk using ‘WAHVM ECS award’ as the subject line.
The details of past ECS Award recipients can be found here.