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WAHVM Biennial Congress



The main activity of the WAHVM is the organization of a biennial international congress.


Past congresses include:


39th WAHVM Congress Istanbul, Turkey. September, 2010


In September 2010, we met in beautiful and historic Antalya, Turkey, and

discussed topics such as the history of veterinary education in Turkey, Europe,

North America, and Latin America; the movement of diseases such as anthrax

and rinderpest in animal populations around the world; how and why animal

protection societies became established; and many other topics that linked the

history of veterinary medicine and animal disease in the Middle East with that of

other parts of the world. We enjoyed very warm hospitality from our hosts, the

Turkish Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine and Professional Ethics.

Discussions continued over raki andbeyaz peynir, and even while swimming in

the Mediterranean Sea! Tours to nearby archaeological sites and a gala banquet

capped off a delightful experience that none of us will ever forget.


38th WAHVM Congress Engelberg, Switzerland.  September, 2008


37th WAHVM Congress Leon, Spain. September 22th – 24th, 2006.

The Congress Abstract Book can be found here.


36th WAHVM Congress Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. July 13-16,2005


35th WAHVM Congress Turin, Italy, September 7-10, 2004

The full text proceedings of the congress are published: Alba Veggetti, Ivo Zoccarato & Elizabetta Lasagna (Eds.) Proceedings 35th International congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (WAHVM) Grugliasco (Torino), 8-11 September 2004. (Brescia 2005), 609 pages. For book orders please contact Prof. Ivo Zoccarato in Turin


34th WAHVM Congress Mexico City, Mexico, September 24-27, 2003


33rd WAHVM Congress Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, 2002.

Cancelled : Due to the Elbe Flood. The abstracts and the majority of the full papers and posters of this congress are published: Johann Schaeffer & Peter Koolmees (eds.): History of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture. Proceedings. DVG Service GmbH: Giessen 2003, 286 pp, ISBN 3-936815-80-1.
The book can be ordered at:


32nd WAHVM Congress Oslo, Norway, August 15-18, 2001


31st WAHVM Congress Brno, Czech Republic, 2000


30th WAHVM Congress Munich, Germany, 9-12 September 1998


29th WAHVM Congress Córdoba, Spain, 1997

The Congress Abstract Book can be found here.


28th WAHVM Congress Vienna, Austria, 1996
For the Programme and Abstracts, see: Historia Medicinae Veterinariae, vol. 22 (1/2), 1-48, 1997.


27th WAHVM Congress Kopenhagen, Denmark, 1994
For programme and Abstracts, see: Historia Medicinae Veterinariae, vol. 19 (3/4), 49-112, 1994.



WAHVM 2018

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