The 45th International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, Brescia
2022 August 31th - September 3rd
The WAHVM’s world congress 2022, held in the Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche “Angelo Pecorelli” in Brescia is over. Under the inspiring leadership of Colonel Mario Marchisio and professor Ivo Zaccarato it became a great success.
The participants could attend to a variety of lectures.
On Thursday 1 September, after words of welcome, the program started with the keynote lecture presented by professor Peter Bols: Reshaping the Veterinary Curriculum in the early 19th century: Napoleons imperial “Moscow Decree” B.475.NR°8692 (1813) (P.E.J. Bols and F.J. van Kootwijk, Belgium – The Netherlands).
Stephanie Howard-Smith was awarded the First Prize of the Early Career Scholar Award for her study of John Norborn, dog doctor.
At the end of the afternoon professor Peter Koolmees presented his and professor Susan Jones’ recent publication A Concise History of Veterinary Medicine.
More information about this book:
This first congress day ended with a Welcome All-together in the Villa Fenaroli Palace hotel.
On Friday, the day started with the keynote lecture Leonardo’s Horses, Morphological and Zoonostic Elements given by professor Lia Brunori and professor Luca Cianti.
In the evening all participants of the congress were invited by Dr. Costantino Vitali, the president of the Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootecniche, for a gala dinner in the Santa Giulia museum complex. This dinner was preceded by a guided tour through the museum.
On Saturday morning the General Assembly of the WAHVM was held. During this Assembly
Abigail Woods (president, United Kingdom), Joaquin Sánchez de Lollano Prieto (vice-president, Spain) and Tijmen van de Vuurst (treasurer, the Netherlands) resigned within the set time.
As new board members were elected:
President: Alison Skipper (United Kingdom)
Vice-President: Francisco Rojo Vázquez
Treasurer: Halvor Hektoen (Norway)
After closing of the conference the participants could for the last time enjoy the artfully arranged delicious dishes that were served throughout this flawless organized event.
Daily Schedule. Here you can find the details about the program.
​In this flyer you find all the details about the Congress.
There is a special page dedicated to the World Congress on the website of the Italian Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine and Farriery:
Foundation for Zooprophylactic and Livestock Initiatives, conference room
Viila Fenaroli Palace Hotel in Brescia