World congress 18 -22 september 2024 in Léon, Spain:

The WAHVM encourages, promotes, and coordinates research and education in the history of veterinary medicine.
In 1964, German veterinarians and others interested in veterinary history were invited to a symposium on the history of veterinary medicine in Hanover, Germany. The symposium was organized under the auspices of the German Veterinary Medical Association (DVG) by the Institute (Fachgebiet) for the History of Veterinary Medicine, which was established in 1963 within the Veterinary College, Hanover.
From 1969 onwards the symposia were announced as “International Symposia” as delegates were attending from outside Germany. In the same year, the ‘World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine’ (WAHVM) was founded. The Association received observer status of the World Veterinary Association in 1970 and became an associate member in 1976.
The main activity of the WAHVM is the organization of a biennial international congress.
During the 26th congress, in 1993, it was decided to revise the Constitution of the WAHVM and to transform the association into a federation of national societies concerned with the promotion and study of veterinary history. The new Constitution was adopted in 1994. At the General Assembly Meeting of 1997 in Córdoba it was decided to establish a Liaison Committee, instead of the Extended Board, with a representative of each of the member societies, plus one member to represent the personal members. This became effective after the General Assembly Meeting in Munich in September 1998.
Dr. Alison Skipper
Vice President
Professor Francisco Rojo

Jons Straatman
DVM, BA History
Rijksstraatweg 23
9752 AA Haren
The Netherlands
WAHVM secretariat:
Halvor Alison Jons Francisco Abigail

During the General Assembly Meeting (GAM) at Munich in September 1997, the proposal was adopted to reconstitute the WAHVM Board in order to involve all member societies and individual members more actively in the current and future affairs of the WAHVM.
The Board of the Association will consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and one or two members in order to:
Conduct all business of the Association in the interval between two General Assembly meetings
Execute the decisions of the previous General Assembly meeting, while reporting the results to the next meeting
Prepare the General Assembly meetings
Take any appropriate step and/or decision on matters concerning the Association, which arise in between two General Assembly meetings. The Board shall inform the members about these steps/decisions taken as soon as convenient.
Board Members
Alison Skipper (United Kingdom)
Francisco Rojo (Spain)
Jons Straatman (The Netherlands)
Rijksstraatweg 23
9752 AA Haren
The Netherlands
Halvor Hektoen (Norway)
Abigail Woods (United Kingdom)
University of Lincoln
Liaison Committee
Furthermore, a ‘liaison committee’ was established to initiate and direct working groups and other (scientific) activities-/assignments of the Association. This committee should be composed of one representative nominated by each subscribing National Society; individuals, nominated by the WAHVM Board and elected by the General Assembly.
The members of the liaison committee will also serve as a sounding board to the Board and will be invited to participate in the (annual) Board meeting.
Peter Koolmees, ‘Changing Perspectives: World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 1969-2019’, Congress Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the History Section of the German Veterinary Medical Society (Berlin 2019) 11- 59.
This paper about the history of the WAHVM is copied with consent.